Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif

Name   : Winnie Adisty
NPM   : 28212243
Class    : 3eb02
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

      1.      Active sentence, Something action is the subject of the sentence and anything that receives the action is the object. Most of the sentences in the English language is an active sentence.
Example :
-          The teacher teach the students.
-          Irfan kill the tiger.

      2.      Passive sentences, something that receives the action is the subject of the sentence and anything that perform actions (optional, can be written or not) written near the end of the sentence. We can use the passive voice if we think that something that receive merukanan actions that are more important or should be emphasized to the listener. we also can use the passive form if we do not know who is doing the action or if we do not want to mention who is performing the action.
Formula :
Positive         : Subject + is / am / are + past participle / V3
Negative       : Subject + is / am / are + Not + Past Participle
Question       : is / am / are + Subject + Past Participle
Example :
-          The students are taught by the teacher.
-          A tiger was killed by Irfan.

Kalimat aktif dan pasif
      a.      Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Simple Present tense
Aktif :
-          We visit our grandmother every 2 months.
-          Tia always sees Feri every morning.
Pasif :
-          Our grandmother is visited by us every 2 months.
-          Tia is seen by Feri every morning.

      b.      Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Simple Continuous Tense
Aktif :
-          The man is delivering a pizza at the moment.
-          She is singing a good song now.
Pasif :
-          The pizza is being delivered by the man at the moment.
-          The good song is being sung by her now.

      c.       Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Present Perfect Tense
Aktif :
-          Jane has met him recently.
-          I have bought her a candy just now.
Pasif :
-          He has been met by Jane recently.
-          She has been bought a candy by me just now.

      d.      Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Simple Past Tense
Aktif :
-          We watched the Jurasic Park Movie on the cinema yesterday.
-          Andri picked up Santi in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
Pasif :
-          The Jurasic Park Movie was watched by us yesterday.
-          Santi was picked up by Andri in her house at 19 o’clock last night.

      e.       Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Past Continuous Tense
Aktif :
-          They were playing the ball together at noon yesterday.
-          I was fixing her computer when she came.
Pasif :
-          The ball was being played by them together at noon yesterday.
-          Her computer was being fixed by me when she came.

      f.       Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Past Perfect Tense
Aktif :
-          I had informed him the news before he went.
-          They had won the race after had hard work.
Pasif :
-          He had been informed the news by me before he went.
-          The race had been won by us after had hard work.

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